
Showing posts from March, 2019

[Kerbal Space Program] One year in

Time for a short summary of my space program's first year.  Yay! KSP has always been a funny game for me - and I actually don't mean the enjoyment here. I mean, it's (literally) a blast to play and the satisfaction from seeing my designs work is immeasurable - but there is one more thing to that. Namely, despite >2k hours played, I never actually managed to go past the closest planets. In stock solar system, I only made it to Dres (Ceres analogue), with only small probes sent beyond. In modded games I didn't even move past the moons. One reason is that I quickly get burnt out and jump to another ideas/games. So far it seems I might have finally broken the curse here - by sorta forcing myself to keep going via this AAR (and, by extension, this blog). And, happily, it seems that this mode is actually motivating me to keep going, instead of getting burnt out quicker. So, that's a plus. Another is that KSP is pretty notorious with updates breaking s

[Kerbal Space Program] Near and Far

Eight part of the AAR -  Near and Far  - has just been posted, Following all those low orbit missions, it's time to finally go more ambitious, interplanetary! Or at least, send small spaceships that can go interplanetary... And which can send back cool gifs like this! :D