[Rimworld] Survivors of the Berenice - parts I & II

So, off we go with the first thing!

First story (or an After Action Report, AAR for short) will be from a little digital gem I found under last year's Christmas tree - and fell in love with from the first hour onwards. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Rimworld, the self-proclaimed "sci-fi colony sim, driven by an intelligent AI storyteller"!

Or at least, that's how its developers call it.

Before we get into the story proper, a few words of introduction; while the 'colony sim' is pretty self-explanatory - the player needs to manage a small group of people, ensure their survival and security in a hostile world and so on.

The "AI Storyteller" is basically just an algorithm, throwing new events and disasters in player's face, depending on how well (or bad) the game is progressing. Their interventions can be pretty lighthearted, some completely random, some downright malevolent. This is put on top of more 'classic' difficulty system - which adjusts stuff like AI aggressiveness, colonist mental breakdown threshold and so on.

The default scenario - the one I play - is Crashlanded; three colonists end up with some basic supplies on a wild planet and need to find a way to survive, explore the world around them - and, possibly, find a way to escape.

You can find the story on Ludeon (Rimworld's developer) original forum. I don't think there is much point in copying the exact chapter text here as well - so click that link and enjoy! :)


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