
Showing posts from February, 2019

[Rimworld] Survivors of the Berenice III - First Contacts

TFW you have an update ready for two weeks, but can't be arsed to sit down and proofread it... or edit screenshots. Anyway, 3rd part of my Rimworld AAR has been posted! :D  Things are slowly picking up the pace, guns have been fired, first strange things happened... Plus I hope I will manage to get next update delivered in less than two weeks from now - a few paragraphs is definitely too little for so much time in-between the updates ^^'

[Kerbal Space Program] Flight of the Piñata

The essence of Kerbal Space Program First,  link to the last chapter . Second - welp, this game is all about "error" part of trial and error. Even when playing it the safe and sure method, you are bound to end up with numerous failed designs, catastrophies and dead Kerbals. Luckily, so far I avoided the last part. So far . As for today's chapter - I decided to give the whole space shuttle concept a try. With tier 1 aircraft parts - low power jet engines, unshielded hull and straight wings. How well it went? Well, details in the link above. Let's just say the pic I posted is a bit misleading. ;>

[Factorio] Half an Hour In the Factory

Recently my time-measuring techiques got enhanced with a new unit: the eponymous half an hour in the factory. Funnily enough, this period can last everywhere from actual 0.5 h (which is a very, very rare occurence) to as much as 5 full hours. And there is no way to predict the result in advance. Factorio is one of those games I pretty much learnt about by a complete accident. And welp; I can't stop. In the past two weeks I restarted my campaign thrice, each time beginning anew and rearranging stuff. And I'm afraid the cycle will repeat soon, swamping me for good. I bet most of you played Minecraft, or at least know the point there. Punch trees, pick up bricks, rearrange them, turn into more and more complex structures. Then mod the heck out of the game and build an actual factory. Then get bored and return after a few months to start anew. Factorio goes a step further - you don't build houses or random constructions, the focus is put exclusively on... well,

[Kerbal Space Program] - Into the Void

Since I suck at focusing on a single project - let's split my time between two. What can possibly go wrong? Well, actually, this is something I started back in August - and kept going at a staggering speed of an update per month. But, the progress is there - and recently I finally found time to start pushing it forward again. Again, a word of introduction -  Kerbal Space Program  is a sandbox game by Squad, in which the player manages... well, a space program. Conducted by a bunch of small, green men - eponymous Kerbals - who love space above all else... including safety. The solution to every problem ever. The player's role in this is to design and send rockets, spaceships, rovers and probes to the furthest reaches of the solar system, in order to - depending on the mode - get a feeling of pride and accomplishment, or to get science and earn money to put into more sophisticated (and capable) designs. There is no antagonist, no specific campaign to follow - just th

[Rimworld] Survivors of the Berenice - parts I & II

So, off we go with the first thing! First story (or an After Action Report, AAR for short) will be from a little digital gem I found under last year's Christmas tree - and fell in love with from the first hour onwards. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome  Rimworld , the self-proclaimed "sci-fi colony sim, driven by an intelligent AI storyteller"! Or at least, that's how its developers call it. Before we get into the story proper, a few words of introduction; while the 'colony sim' is pretty self-explanatory - the player needs to manage a small group of people, ensure their survival and security in a hostile world and so on. The "AI Storyteller" is basically just an algorithm, throwing new events and disasters in player's face, depending on how well (or bad) the game is progressing. Their interventions can be pretty lighthearted, some completely random, some downright malevolent. This is put on top of more 'classic' di


Guess that after like... almost half a year of this blog being dead, it's time to start anew. Or rather - (re)start properly. I still want to stick to what I wrote in the very first post - about this place being a crossroads between all the fictional realms and universes I want to talk about and share with other people. But back then I rushed into the idea with little thought, preparation and actual concept - and I burnt out very quickly. This time, I decided to take a step back and give the whole thing a thought or two. What did I come up with? Well, I definitely want to post reviews of stuff I recently watched/read/played - but I know I can't compete with professional reviewers, both in quality and quantity. Not to mention I definitely won't be up to date - I don't like following the novelties, I just stick to watching/reading/playing stuff at my own pace. Which is why Fate/Zero took me so long . So, I needed to find something else. And